17 Jul Buzzwords CIOs and IT Pros Hate the Most
By: Tom Sullivan
Source: HealthCareITNews.com
Date: July 17, 2017
We all say them, even more frequently than we might proudly admit and, then just like that, it’s hard not to to sicken of these same phrases that were once exciting, maybe even fun to mutter. They’re buzzwords, skin-crawling clichés and downright annoying catchphrases.
The worst of the worst? We asked chief information officers and health IT pros. Here’s what they had to say.
The TLA chief information officer, in fact, is one of them. “CIO — I’m told that means Career Is Over,” cracked Steve Sakovits, CIO at Stamford Health System. “That is only a little alarming.”
Sakovits colleague John Rossi Executive Director and Information Services and Security Officer rattled off another two, albeit less personal nits. “Ransomware and cloud computing,” Rossi said. “I’m just tired of hearing them.”
Cloud and ransomware are not even as moldy oldy as HIPAA, which Inspira Health CIO Tom Pacek loathes the most. “It is what it is,” Pacek added. “We’ve learned to deal with it.”
And then there’s the hashed and rehashed phrase platform. “When everything is a platform,” asked Rasu Shresthra, MD, chief innovation officer at UPMC, “where does that leave the real platform?”
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