15 Mar Electronic Health Records Market Size to Reach $41B by 2033

Source: Precedence Research, Global Newswire

The global electronic health records (EHRs) market size stood at USD 27.83 billion in 2024 and will grow to USD 28.39 billion in 2025, according to a study published by Towards Healthcare a sister firm of Precedence Research.

Report Highlights:

  • Cloud-based systems ruled the roost in 2023, capturing 48% of the EHR market.
  • Clinical applications led the charge in 2023, holding a 46% share.

According to Healthit.gov, in the transformative landscape of healthcare, a remarkable surge in Electronic Health Records (EHR) adoption has been witnessed, with an impressive 78% adoption rate among office-based physicians and an even 96% among non-federal acute care hospitals as of 2021.

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